Thursday, May 28, 2015

My June TBR list!

School's out!  School's out!  School's OUT! 

Can you tell I'm excited? 

School just let out but I stuck around to film a video about my To-Read list for June!  A little bit of committee reading, class reading, and just plain fun reading.  Check out what's on my list!

What do you hope to read this first summer month?!


  1. I just want to say that I absolutely love your blog, especially your videos with the Gnoming Librarian. I was really interested to hear what you're planning to read this summer. I'm going to read The Hollow City, too, since I'm doing my first-ever book discussion for Miss Peregrine. Do you have any suggestions for good discussion questions?

  2. Thanks, Kirsten! So glad you enjoy reading/watching. Yes! I definitely have Miss Peregrine questions! Do you have an email address?

    1. Yes, it's Thank-you so much!
