Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year's Reading Resolutions!

Man, I am just a sucker for New Year Resolutions.  I love the idea of a fresh start (especially after a crazy holiday season) where I can get my life organized and back on track.  Although I did make "Eat more sushi" a New Year's Resolution this year...not sure what that says about me.

I also love making reading New Year's Resolutions, because as a librarian, it's super important to me to stay up on my reading.  So here are the resolutions that I've made for 2015:

  • Read 75 books this year.  This is a little more than 6 books a month and is do-able.  I know people who make goals of 150 books + a year, and with two kiddos at home, that just isn't practical for me.  So let's go for 75!
  • Read at least 1 nonfiction book a month.  I focus so much on fiction that I miss a lot of really good nonfiction.  I'm reading Slaying the Debt Dragon by my buddy Cherie Lowe right now, so I'm moving in the right direction!
  • Read 1 book a month that has been published in the last 6 months.  I read a lot, but I don't always read what's new.  And it drives me crazy to see so many people reading the newest books while I'm still reading books published a few years ago.  I need to do better at staying current.
  • Listen to 10 audiobooks this year.  I love audiobooks, but my short-term driving doesn't allow me to get much listening time.  So this needs to be a priority.
  • Read through the entire Bible.  My church has challenged us to do this, so hopefully it won't be too hard to read through the whole Bible in one year.  I read a lot of books...I need to make sure I'm keeping myself in THE Book!
Five reading goals is good for me--do you have any reading goals?


  1. I almost met my goal of 35 books last year (I read 31 1/2) so I am trying again! Go you on the 75 books!! I get a little too distracted by tv shows sometimes...

  2. Good for you! 35 is a great goal, especially when you have such a busy schedule (and like TV...haha!). Good luck on this year!
